Monday, August 31, 2009

Finding Humor

Teacher: How do you spell "dog"?
Pupil: d, o, g, enter.

Looking for ways to find humor on the classroom? Check out the teacher page on Museum of Humor, a web site specifically designed to make you laugh and help teachers find and promote humor. Have fun with this one!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Grit = Persisting?

In this article published in the Boston Globe (8/2/09), scientific research and historical antedotes suggest that habits of mind, like persisting, contibute more to success in life than more easily measured cognitive traits, like IQ. Psychologists have termed the ability to set long-term goals and to persist in the face of obstacles as "grit," which sounds exactly like the first Habit of Mind, Persisting. The article suggests that MCAS and other tests administered by schools don't really measure what's truly important in predicting achievement.

Do you have grit? Try the Grit Scale, created by researchers at the University of Pennsylvannia.